Guatemala City – Honduras Border
DRIVING TIME: 3.40 hoursKILOMETERS: 198MILES: 123HWY: CA 9, CA 19, CA 18, CA 10, CA 11BORDER OPEN: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Upon leaving Guatemala City, locate CA 9. It’s unimaginably easy to get lost around Guatemala City. After entering Guatemala City, turn right at Puente Periferico and continue to Avenida Marti. Once on CA 9, head for Jalapa on CA 19. Then on to Esquipulas on CA 18. If you need to pull over and ask, use the next large city as a reference. If you’re too late for the border at Agua Caliente, Esquipulas is a nice place to rest for the night. Don’t forget those border entries…