Entering Nicaragua
After going through the official Honduran border gate, you will pull up to the official Nicaraguan border gate, about 50 yards away. Here the border officials enter your passport number into a book. No charge. However, the officials may request a private donation for their work. You will soon learn that everyone will ask you for money in Nicaragua. Between Nicaragua and Honduras, there are three border crossings; Las Manos (near Ocotal), El Espino (near Somoto), and Guasaule between El Triunfo (Honduras) and Somotillo (Nicaragua). Aduana and Migracion The Aduana and Migracion offices are located another 50 yards down the hill in a semicircular building. When you enter the building,…
Honduras Border Exit
DRIVING TIME: 4.27 hourKILOMETERS: 260MILES: 162 Upon reaching the border, you will be inundated by local people. Several are money changers, and others are guides. The guides, which are non-official unemployed locals, will hold your hand and take you through the process at the border. I highly recommend hiring a guide, they are not expensive, and their help is well worth the money. Find a guide that looks trustworthy and negotiate his rate. The guide will take all your documents to the Honduran border offices and help process the exit. Eventually, the guide will return with a Honduran official, and he will ask the usual questions and take a look…
Choluteca, Honduras – Nicaragua Border
DRIVING TIME: 6.2 hourKILOMETERS: 353MILES: 219HWY: CA 3 From Choluteca, you may cross the border into Nicaragua via Guasaule or El Espino. If you want to visit the beaches in northern Nicaragua, head for the frontera at Guasaule. For those traveling to Managua, Costa Rica, or the beaches in the south, head for the frontera at El Espino. Further north, there’s also a border crossing at Los Manos. You can expect a headache when entering Nicaragua. After leaving Tegucigalpa, you will descend from the mountains into a hot, dry valley. There are several twists and turns in the road. Thus, after you leave Choluteca, head for the appropriate border city…
San Pedro Sula – Tegucigalpa – Choluteca
Driving Time: 6.18 hoursKILOMETERS: 399MILES: 248HWY: CA 5 The splendid drive between San Pedro Sula to Tegucigalpa takes about 4 hours. You will pass through miles of pineapple fields as you ascend into the mountains surrounding this beautiful area. At Tegus, head through town and follow the signs for Choluteca, CA 1. This is a 2-hour drive descending from the mountains. As you drive this route, there are a lot of things to see which may pique your interest—small shops along the road offer fruits, candy, and pottery particular to each distinctive region. The fruits are particularly delicious and shamefully inexpensive. Pick some up for lunch. Hotel & Eats If…
Esquipulas – San Pedro Sula
DRIVING TIME: 5.29 hoursKILOMETERS: 276MILES: 171HWY: CA 4 From Esquipulas, head for Santa Rosa de Copán. At Santa Rosa de Copán, you can go on to San Pedro Sula via La Entrada. The first few hours will take you through breathtaking mountains; after passing Santa Rosa de Copán, follow the signs for La Entrada. An alternate route is to drive toward La Esperanza and then on to Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. Hotel & Eats Craving for a short adventure of some sort? Head onto Angeli Gardens, nearby 25 Calle, just after the fork at 33 Calle. This restaurant has excellent views, which you can enjoy after a short hike.…
Copan – San Pedro Sula
DRIVING TIME: 3.46 hoursKILOMETERS: 179MILES: 111HWY: CA 5 From Copán, head towards La Entrada, which is about a one-hour drive. At La Entrada, you can travel to San Pedro Sula or turn right towards Santa Rosa de Copán. Please note that Santa Rosa de Copán is different from Copán and the department (equivalent to a county or province) that you are in, which is called Copán. Therefore, when asking for directions, be specific. Copán to San Pedro Sula will take you approximately 3 hours. There are many places to stay in San Pedro Sula. Make sure you park your car in a Parqueo for safety, as car theft is notorious…
Guatemala City – Honduras Border
DRIVING TIME: 3.40 hoursKILOMETERS: 198MILES: 123HWY: CA 9, CA 19, CA 18, CA 10, CA 11BORDER OPEN: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Upon leaving Guatemala City, locate CA 9. It’s unimaginably easy to get lost around Guatemala City. After entering Guatemala City, turn right at Puente Periferico and continue to Avenida Marti. Once on CA 9, head for Jalapa on CA 19. Then on to Esquipulas on CA 18. If you need to pull over and ask, use the next large city as a reference. If you’re too late for the border at Agua Caliente, Esquipulas is a nice place to rest for the night. Don’t forget those border entries…
Guatemala – Honduras
DRIVING TIME: 4.8 minsKILOMETERS: 224 kmMILES: 139HWY: CA 9 Those going on to Honduras have two options. You may cross the border at Agua Caliente or El Florido. Leaving Guatemala City, locate CA 9. Upon entering Guatemala City, turn right on Puente Periferico and continue to Avenida Marti. Once you exit the city, head for Esquipulas.It is possible to drive from the Guatemalan-Mexican border to the Honduran border at Esquipulas in one day. However, you need to get an early start and keep driving without delay. Next Section of Drive Guatemala City – Honduras Border
Guatemala – El Salvador
DRIVING TIME: 5.31 hoursKILOMETERS: 292 kmMILES: 181.44HWY: CA 1 For travelers going to El Salvador, there are several entry points; Las Chinamas, La Hachadura, San Cristobal, or Anguiatu. Ruta Pacifica, CA 2, will take travelers to the southernmost entry point at La Hachadura. The Pan American Hwy (CA 1) branches just past Cuilapa into CA 1 and CA 8. CA 8 leads to the border crossing at Las Chinamas, and CA 1 takes travelers to San Cristobal. There is also an entry point in the north at Anguiatu near the Honduran border. Once you enter El Salvador, it’s a straight drive from CA 1 to Honduras. You can easily drive…
Antigua – Guatemala City
DRIVING TIME: 52 minsKILOMETERS: 41.2 kmMILES: 25.6HWY: CA 1 The drive from Antigua to Guatemala City is very easy—it’s Guatemala City that will give you a headache. This is your true test of patience. The only thing that will get you through Guatemala City is diligence and a cold beer waiting for you at the end of the drive. Like all Guatemalan towns, the city was constructed using a strict grid system: avenidas run north-south; calles run east-west. Unless you have a specific business in Guatemala City, drive directly through it. You will drive around, backward, circular, and then through. Guatemala City is the junction point for several routes leading…